The new plan to send a man to the moon shot seemed like a crazy big idea at the time. Impossible! Audacious! But we had a charismatic leader who was passionate about it and could rally public support, the technology was ready, NASA was all-in, and we did it.

Even the rocket scientists didn’t predict one priceless result: perspective. For the first time in human history, we were able to look at the beautiful blue Earth from the barren moonscape. And ask, Where would you rather live?

We recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of that moon landing. We’ve had half a century to realize that Earth is the best planet for us. Not the moon. Not any of the other eight planets in our solar system. And not This planet is the one and only one.

Is transitioning from a world fuels by dangerous emissions hard? Yes. Will we do it? Plenty of people think so, and they’re working on it. Because, really, what’s the alternative?

Besides, eliminating greenhouse gasses is where the next great fortunes will be made. And if that’s not incentive enough, consider the alternative. As climate scientist Dr. Kate Marvel says, it would be one thing if we didn’t know what to do about global warming. But that is not the case. We know exactly what we must do."

“If creatures from another planet ever talk one day about the fate of humans on Earth…. They will say either that we pulled ourselves out of a near-fatal collision at the last possible second, or that we missed the greatest opportunity ever handed to any species in the infinite cosmos and blew up the sweetest planet that ever was.” 1


1 Heller, C., The Intergalactic Design Guide. Island Press, 2018, p.9.

Sarah Finnie