For many of us, Monday morning means saying hello to Salesforce. 150,000+ companies use this technology platform to organize their business. CEO Marc Benioff is crystal-clear in his conviction on winning the climate challenge:
“I believe that business can be one of the greatest influences solving climate change. We have a tremendous resources at our disposal, extraordinary technologies for rapid, broad decarbonization of our economy. We need to harness those technologies and use them for good in the fight for a healthier planet.
I want to challenge people like me, CEOs, to recognize this. Taking actions on #climatechange is good for business: we save money, we create a healthier planet… and our #millennial employees want to be associated with companies that are leading on climate. Every CEO has to step up.
Salesforce is helping organize a coalition of 20 technology companies to reduce emissions. It’s called the Step Up Declaration. We’re making tangible commitments to reach a climate turning point by 2020.
Our headquarters building in San Francisco is an example. We need every company to fully embrace all of these green building practices and technologies. We need every tech company to commit to a #netzero cloud. We can do it. All we have to do is decide. Now is the time.
At Salesforce we’re powered by 100% renewable energy, but that’s not enough. We’re setting new science-based targets to reduce emissions even further. Every business has the opportunity to do this! Do this themselves and they also have the leverage to change their supply chain.
And we need to unleash the power of the workforce. Every employee has to step up. At Salesforce we are going to get our employees [30,000+ globally] on doing this. Every company can engage employees and build a decarbonized global economy, build a world that is cleaner and healthier for the years to come.”